Communicate between institutions with any type of radio or LTE device with Critical Connect. Share data, images, and videos with Wave PTX and collaborate among different emergency entities. Extend the reach of communications with a private transportable or fixed LTE system with LXN6000. Ensure that your infrastructure runs smoothly with Managed Services so you can focus on your mission.
Quickly identify the suspects with Facial Recognition or Search by Appearance, know what is going on with the Avigilon H4 IR PTZ camera managed by Avigilon ACC video management software.
Keep the suspect located with CAPE remote or local drone management software, integrate real-time images and video to your Command Center with CommandCentral Aware and Avigilon ACC.
Record or access suspects’ criminal records with PremierOne Records in conjunction with the PremierOne Mobile application installed on your LTE LEX L11 or hybrid APXNEXT (P25) or MXP7000 (Tetra) mobile devices.
Deploy the police force to the place of the events and assist the agents who are on the field with PremierOne CAD. Access vehicle information with the Licence Plate Recognition software through your ReaperHD vehicle camera.
Receive alerts of a dangerous situation on your P25 radio with RadioAlert, interact with the Emergency Center with VESTA 911 and exchange texts with VESTA SMS or with your Working Groups.
Anticipate and analyze the situation with the Avigilon H5A Rugged PTZ camera with unusual motion detection managed by Avigilon ACC video management software. Monitor video more intuitively for potential security events with Spotlight.
Send notifications to select groups or mass groups via email, voice or text messaging with CommandCentral Notify. Activate emergency sirens with IoT. Coordinate teams with intelligence from CommandCentral Aware.
Follow up on emergency calls and incidents in a timely manner with integrated VESTA 911 and PremierOne CAD. Deploy a Mobile Emergency Response Center at the scene with VESTA OFF SITE. Automate alerts for different emergency stations with MACH ALERT.
Record evidence of damage with your VB400 or V300 body camera and manage the videos with Avigilon ACC to organize your recovery plan.
Transmit video from the most difficult to access areas from a locally or remotely operated drone with CAPE. Receive and share images and the exact location of rescue points with your LEX L11 smart device. Extend the power of video management from mobile devices with ACC Mobile. Coordinate care and transfer of the injured with your APX P25 or Tetra radios and improve communication with their functionalities.
Respond faster to emergency calls with VESTA 911. Get statistical information about the activity of the PSAPs with VESTA HEADS UP DISPLAY. Know your call center’s performance through automatic reporting with VESTA ANALYTICS.
Transform large quantities of information collected by your agency into processable intelligence with CommandCentral Aware. Access information of the events that has been collected. More data allows for better decision making, as well as post-incident analysis and improved after-action reporting.
Coordinate the actions to be taken for the care of the injured through Advanced Messaging with your Radios. Update and share the status of patients with information, images, and videos with the LEX L11 smart device and Wave PTX.
Receive and accident alert quickly in your emergency centers and the transmission of what is happening in real-time from the Pelco ESPRIT ENHANCED camera, which allows faster arrival times and better efficiency at the scene through better awareness of the situation. Collect evidence from a first-person perspective with the VB400 and V300 body cameras by activating them via your P25 or Tetra radios.
Dispatch the situations immediately with PremierOne CAD. Communicate and collaborate with the first responders immediately with the Geo Selection function on your radios. Optimize route times for first responders with GIS Services.
Access vehicle information with the Licence Plate Recognition software. Look up or record information on the field for people and vehicles with PremierOne Records from your PremierOne Mobile app.
There are many examples of hackers taking advantage of the technological weaknesses that support the infrastructure of essential services, affecting the operation of a city or even a country. These risks are impacting citizens and organizations in the public and private sectors, from anonymous hackers and from anywhere in the world. The symbiosis between radio communications and the IT world has arrived: it is here, now.
It is essential today to have cybersecurity services to help you protect your infrastructure from the vulnerabilities of the digital world, especially when your mission is to safeguard the integrity of people and prevent the commission of crimes.
Our cybersecurity services approach follows the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework to help you manage your cyber risk awareness, detection, response and recovery. We closely follow key governance and oversight strategies throughout the product development, implementation and operational support life cycle.
As new patching needs arise, they are tested and deployed within the network.
Cuando hay vidas en riesgo, los flujos de trabajo intuitivos y una administración de incidentes simple y efectiva le ayudan a usted y a su equipo a aprovechar cada segundo de la mejor manera posible. Mantener su centro de comando funcionando eficientemente es un trabajo de equipo. Con PremierOne, no solo tiene acceso a todo el software de vanguardia, sino que su agencia se encontrará respaldada con personal de servicio altamente experimentado, el cual sabrá identificar sus flujos de trabajo únicos, así como integrar sus aplicaciones de seguridad pública para obtener la máxima eficiencia.
Optimice la captura, la correlación y la distribución en tiempo real de información de misión crítica para enviar los recursos correctos en cuestión de segundos con PREMIERONE® CAD.
Integre la gestión de llamadas con el centro de despacho para mantener una continuidad con PREMIERONE® CAD y VESTA® 9-1-1.
Acceda a perfiles y antecedentes de personas y simplifique el proceso de cierre de casos con PREMIERONE® RECORDS.
Brinde acceso a la información en tiempo real que requieren los agentes en campo con PREMIERONE® MOBILE.
Localice la ubicación de los agentes desde su mapa con PREMIERONE® CAD y el GPS integrado en sus RADIOS.
Minimice el tiempo de inactividad y las interrupciones de sus operaciones con soporte técnico experto, actualizaciones de SW y reparaciones de HW con los SERVICIOS PREMIERONE®
“Cuando pienso en emergencias, pienso en residentes, ciudadanos, personas que necesitan ayuda urgente. Hay una vida que puede mejorar o empeorar dependiendo del trabajo de la gente maravillosa que conforma nuestro centro de comunicaciones de emergencias”.
Art DeLaCruz
Comisionado del Condado de Bernalillo
La solución VESTA® 9-1-1 ayuda a los Puntos de Respuesta de Seguridad Pública (PSAP) a dar el primer paso crucial hacia las comunicaciones multimedia integradas. Recopile y comunique la información de primera mano al momento de los hechos para agilizar las acciones a tomar.
Responda a las llamadas de emergencia desde cualquier lugar con el portafolio de VESTA® OFF SITE.
Escriba mensajes o seleccione mensajes predefinidos, como preguntas y frases comunes, para acelerar la respuesta con VESTA®SMS.
Conozca los detalles estadísticos en tiempo real sobre la actividad de los puntos de respuesta con VESTA® 9-1-1 Heads-Up Display.
Asocie eventos relacionados para simplificar la reconstrucción, organización, búsqueda y archivo de incidentes con VESTA® Analytics
Integre la gestión de llamadas con el centro de despacho para una respuesta más rápida con VESTA® 9-1-1 y PREMIERONE CAD.
Adapte tecnologías con IA para recopilar datos y procesar la información más eficientemente mientras que la persona que llama está en espera
“Tener una solución que automatice el proceso marca una gran diferencia en nuestra capacidad para servir mejor a los ciudadanos y visitantes”.
Bob Finney
Director de Comunicaciones
Collier County